

On election day, voters go to their polling stations to vote. Here are good instructions on how to vote at the polling station.

All polling stations have easy access for people with disabilities.

Find your polling station.


Absentee voting for the presidential election has begun. It is possible to vote right now, although the election day is not until June 1. Everyone can vote outside the election until election day, but those who will be away from their polling place on June 1 should pay special attention to that.

To vote, there are two things to keep in mind:
1. Find a polling station that fits your location, see information below about polling stations and their opening hours.
2. Remember to bring a valid ID, i.e. driver's license, passport or identity card (nafnskirteini). Digital driver's licenses are also accepted.

In Iceland:
* In the Reykjavik capital area, absentee voting takes place at Holtagarðar.
* Outside the capital area, absentee voting takes place at county commissioners and in some municipalities.
* Voters that are staying in institutions (such as prisons, hospitals or nursing homes) and can't come to a polling station will be provided the opportunity to vote. The District Commissioners in each location will advertise when and how.
* You can apply to vote at home if you are unable to come to a polling station. You need to apply before 10:00am Thursday May30 2024.

More information about locations and opening hours.

Outside Iceland: 
Voters must contact embassies or consuls in the country concerned to ascertain where and when to vote. Link to list of embassies and consulates.

Check if you are eligible to vote.

When you are voting absentee please note that you need to write the candidate's full name on an empty piece of paper. Nothing else should be written on the paper (like for example a smiley face).