
For the future

Halla Hrund has a clear vision of how she wants to apply herself to the position of President of Iceland.

In her own words
Kosningarit Höllu Hrundar
Halla Hrund's vision
„Forseti Íslands á ekki að vera í pólitískum dansi. Ég hef aldrei starfað í stjórnmálaflokki og er óháð öllum hagsmunaöflum. Ég býð mig fram fyrir fólkið í landinu og hef almannahagsmuni að leiðarljósi.“

About Halla Hrund

Halla Hrund holds a BA in Political Science from the University of Iceland, a Master's degree in International Cooperation with a focus on economics and energy from Tufts University, and a Master's in Public Administration from Harvard University.

Appointed as Energy Director in 2021, Halla Hrund was the first woman in Iceland to hold the position. She also serves as an adjunct professor at Harvard, where she teaches at the master's level, as well as teaching at Reykjavik University.

Halla Hrund is co-founder of the the Arctic Initiative at Harvard, as well as co-founder of the international gender equality project, Project Girls for Girls.






Greinar til stuðnings Höllu Hrund

Stuðningsfólk Höllu Hrundar kemur úr öllum áttum. Hér má finna blaðagreinar sem þau hafa skrifað um af hverju þau veita henni sinn stuðning.

